Delivering choice and variety statewide.
Florida’s family-owned, independent beer distributors ensure fairness in the marketplace while helping build brands. Our members make a substantial commitment to building brands by working hand-in-hand with breweries from Florida, all across America, and around the world to help them expand their reach to Florida consumers. Through samples for retailers, tasting events for consumers, designing and printing signs and merchandising displays, purchasing media advertising, cleaning draught lines, rotating product and implementing marketing plans, Florida’s independent distributors are active and engaged partners in building beer brands.
As a result of Florida’s regulatory system and our commitment to meeting consumer demands, our state’s beer distributors are able to deliver over 3,500 brands of beer and flavored malt beverage products to licensed retailers, big and small, throughout the state.
“Why we are here? To tremble at the terrible beauty of the stars, to shed a tear at the perfection of Beethoven’s symphonies and to crack a cold one now and then.”